It might be two years old, but it's relevant - "One For the Good Guys" (it's also written by Dave Eggers).
The link above is a book review about Kurt Vonnegut's book of short stories Look at the Birdie.
I've been doing some volunteer work for the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library. I've never personally seen an entire city adopt an author so readily and whole-heatedly. It's extremely satisfying to see constant remembrances of a man, an artist who just seemed to have things right. My favorite line from the article is, "In a 2003 interview, when asked the softball question 'How are you?' he
answered: 'I’m mad about being old, and I’m mad about being American.
Apart from that, O.K.'”
A giant mural of Vonnegut has gone up on Massachusetts Avenue. It seems damn near twenty feet tall and captures perfectly that sagacious smile right beneath that perfect Midwest mustache of his.
Vonnegut had a lot of good things to say about people and about his home, Indianapolis. Even though his genre of choice, science fiction, was one most people shrug off, I think he pushed the boundaries of literature and, if I can say so, human thought.
So, all of this is to say, today is Kurt Vonnegut's birthday - his 89th. Let's remember him in the way we all might see fit.
I am ashamed to admit that I have not read any of Kurt Vonnegut's books. And the only title I can think of is "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test". (I think that's right.) And that is from way back in my teenage years or before. Perhaps I should try him out.